Sunday, January 6, 2008

Writers woe over 'evaluation' results

Like students who are protesting about unannounced quizzes, the appointed iSchools writers complain about the unexpected evaluation conducted by the heads of iSchools Project last November 14-16, 2007.
The designated writers/reporters who attended the training-workshop held at Hillside Resort, Puerto Princesa City, Palawan, were evaluated. This was to determine whether these local staff members were skilled enough to discharge the responsibilities assigned to them.

The lectures on every topics close in with some practicum, the outputs were then submitted. Ms. Yvonne Chua and Ms. Luz Rimban, the workshop’s lecturers and appointed evaluators rated them using the outputs that the participants have come up to and presented to them. It was found out that only 2 out 29 participants were “skilled enough” and fit for the designation as writer/reporter for the project.

In a forum among the participants through their Yahoo Groups, one of the writers who flunked the evaluation wrote:

“Fellow writers,
It really took me long time to finally say my piece about the write shop cum evaluation in Palawan.

May I say that more than any aspect of my (our) personality, it is my (our) ego which is really beaten hard by the sad fact that there were only two who passed the test of competence (the yardstick, let's hope we'll know soon!).

The CICT people are talking about taking the flunk as a challenge. I believe they were right. But how about the pain that we are still nursing? Can they imagine the shame that's consuming me (us) from thevery moment the announcement was posted till now? I have beenjournalistically writing for 6 years. Does this mean that I have been wrongly journalistically writing for the same age? For participants, who like me were instructors, professors of journalism or communication arts subjects, will the idea of a CHALLENGE overshadow the feeling of sudden inferiority? I don't know how will you react to this.”

However, CICT reconsidered its judgments and brought out new list of passers in an assessment with new sets of criteria after hearing some objections.

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